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When it comes to a hard partying lifestyle, Jordan Belfort puts himself at the top with the help of his neatly written memoirs, The Wolf Of Wall Street. This book is about the drug filled, money laundering escapades of Wall Street entrepreneur, Jordan Belfort, as he plunges into a lavish lifestyle of debauchery. The crooked beginnings of the now infamous Wall Street firm, Stratton Oakmont, are described firsthand by the person who founded the company. Having gone to Wall Street with $100 in his pocket, this story is about how he managed to become a millionaire by swindling stocks. The brokerage house founded by him employed nearly 1000 stockbrokers at one time and earned him more money than he could spend. The book is a memoir of the author and shows his state of mind as he spent nearly everything that he earned to fuel his drug addiction and partying. The characters in the book are all based on real-life characters from his experiences as an entrepreneur. It explores the dilemma faced by a man who had all the riches he wanted but not the satisfaction that he expected. The Wolf Of Wall Street offers an authentic account of an entrepreneur’s degeneration and the consequences that come out of it. It was published by Hodder and Stoughton in 2013 as a paperback.